Since the COVID-19 outbreak has been declared a global pandemic, many of us have been self-quarantined in our homes. For many, the current situation and indefinite isolation may be causing some feelings of stress and anxiety.
Here are a few ideas you can try to help relieve and cope with any overwhelming emotions or stress:
- Limit your intake of news about the COVID-19 pandemic. While staying informed is important, hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media.
- Try to keep a normal routine to maintain some structure during the quarantine days. Getting ready in the morning as usual is a great way to prevent temptation into a more lethargic lifestyle.
- Remember to breathe! Breathing exercises are helpful for anyone dealing with anxiety or needing to slow things down.
- Stay active! Exercise, even if it’s a little bit. Doing a few stretches of running in place for 5 minutes can offer immediate relieve in a stressful situation.
- Getting some sunlight can help to boost your mood and make you feel calm and focused. Being out in the sun can improve both your emotional and physical health.
- Organize your belongings or clean. Cleaning can make people feel less anxious. It provides relief from clutter. When you keep your things neat and organized, it can also clear the mind as well.
- Make time to unwind. Try to do other activities you enjoy doing like listen to music, read a book, or get creative and do some arts and crafts.
- Connect with others. Although in-person interaction is limited, reaching out to friends and family via phone call or FaceTime is a safe and healthy way to eliminated feelings of isolation.
For anyone who may be anxious or worried as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health has expanded the services of its 24-hour Crisis Line of Hawaii. Call 1 (800) 753-6879, or text the word ALOHA to 741741.
Continue to stay safe and healthy and although our lives may be disrupted in this unusual time, we will come out of this stronger, together.