The U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams visited Oahu at the end of August to lend federal assistance to Hawaii’s COVID-19 surveillance testing. Amid a surge in daily positive test results, Dr. Adams encouraged everyone to help in stopping the spread of COVID-19 by remembering these 3 W’s:
Wear a mask. Wearing a mask prevents you from spreading virus particles to others. This is important because you could have the virus and not have any symptoms. Speaking, singing, coughing and sneezing can send virus particles into the air. Those particles can then infect others.
Watch your distance. Keep at least six feet of distance between yourself and others who do not live in your household. The distance is recommended because studies have shown that virus particles can still escape from a masked person and travel a few feet.
Wash your hands. Soap and warm water break down the outer layer of the virus, inactivating it so it can no longer enter the body and bind to cells, according to infectious disease experts. Soap and water are best at washing away germs and bacteria, but when not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol will do.
Effective August 1, 2020, our Walk-Up Window will serve as an express window for members doing single transactions. No Shared Branch will be permitted at the Walk-Up. If you are needing to do a Shared Branch transaction, we will gladly assist you at one of our member service stations in the lobby.
The following transactions will be allowed at the Walk-Up:
- Deposit
- Withdrawal
- Cashing checks
- Cashier’s check
- Money Order
- Loan payment
- VISA payment
- Statement pickup
As we look to new ways of better servicing our members and community, we encourage members to utilize our remote services which include our mobile banking app, online banking, personal access line, and online bill pay! To learn more about our convenient banking options, please click here.
Until further notice, Hawaii Federal Credit Union has reserved the walk-up window operations on Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 10:00am to servicing the Kupuna and high-risk members to protect the group from potential exposure to COVID-19.
While we are committed to serving our community, we encourage the use of our alternative banking options that make it easy for you to do financial transactions from the convenience of your home, 24/7. To learn more about alternative banking, click here.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.