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Get Your Maximum Refund and Special Savings on TurboTax!

Tax time doesn’t have to be stressful!  With TurboTax, you’ll get your biggest possible refund fast and your taxes done right. PLUS, credit union members save up to $15 on TurboTax federal products, all through tax season.
TurboTax makes it easy to find the best solution for your unique tax situation. Homeowner? TurboTax Deluxe searches 350+ deductions to make sure you get every tax break you qualify for. Independent contractor, freelancer or side-gigger?  TurboTax Self-Employed uncovers deductions personalized to you and your line of work and includes a complimentary subscription to QuickBooks Self-Employed for effortless expense and mileage tracking, year round (To receive your complimentary subscription to QuickBooks Self-Employed, sign-in and access your account at least twice by 7/15/20, see details*).
File with confidence, knowing that TurboTax guarantees 100% accurate calculations, running thousands of error checks as you go. And if you do need help along the way, TurboTax has it: From answers online anytime, to unlimited advice and a final review from a CPA or Enrolled Agent with TurboTax Live.

Save on TurboTax today!

* Visit for TurboTax product guarantees and other important information. Limited time offer for TurboTax 2019. Discount applies to TurboTax federal products only. Terms, conditions, features, availability, pricing, fees, service and support options subject to change without notice.  Intuit, TurboTax and TurboTax Online, among others, are registered trademarks and/or service marks of Intuit Inc. in the United States and other countries.

2020 Workshops

Workshops are held at Hawaii Federal Credit Union from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Doors open at 9:00 am. If you are interested in attending any of the upcoming workshops or would like to schedule a one-on-one session with one of our certified financial counselors, please call us at (808) 441-4285.

At this time, all workshops have been postponed until further notice. Please check back later. Thank you.

What is Financial Literacy?

Image result for financial literacy image

Wikipedia defines “Financial literacy as the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it (turn it into more) and how that person donates it to help others.  More specifically, it refers to the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources.” (

Hawaii Federal Credit Union holds financial literacy sessions one on one, in workshops at the credit union and in group sessions held at various sites. The topics we cover include; introduction to budgeting, building a budget, buying a car, basic information on taxes, setting financial goals, it’s all about credit, credit review, improving credit scores, why should I save and preparing for retirement.  In our one-on-one sessions, we address your specific situation and work directly with you.

Anyone can attend our workshops: members as well as their friends and family. Watch for workshop announcements through the website, in our newsletters or call the credit union at (808) 441-4285 to get more information about attending a workshop or to schedule a one-on-one session with one of our certified financial counselors.

Do you have a rainy-day fund?

Don’t let life rain on your parade when unexpected expenses arise. The best way to be prepared for these unwelcome bills, is to save in advance by creating a rainy-day fund. Here are some helpful tips to be prepared for any storm. Additionally, keeping a rainy-day fund will also help you build financial discipline.

What is a rainy-day fund?

A rainy-day fund is money reserved to be used when unexpected expenses arise such as, a leaky roof or a car repair. The idea is to use the rainy-day fund for one-off expenses outside of your normal living expenses. By having funds readily available for non-routine bills, you can cover the extra costs without suffering too much hardship.

How to save for a rainy-day fund?

  • Transfer cash monthly: Setting up an automatic transfer that occurs once a month would be a useful tactic to build your rainy-day savings fund.


  • Create a rainy-day fund jar: Just as you would any other savings jar, anytime you have spare change, throw it in a jar. Over time, your savings will build.


  • Reduce your spending: Try trimming your spending and adding that money you would usually spend on unnecessary things, to your rainy-day fund. For example, if you normally buy a coffee every morning or shop for new clothes every month, consider scaling back and instead, place that money in your rainy-day fund.


  • Sell things you don’t need: Declutter and make some extra money on the side while doing it. Selling items like clothes, electronics, furniture, anything that you no longer need or want can be a great way to pocket some extra money for your rainy-day fund.

Get more with the updated Sprint offer!

Get ready for an offer that’ll get you out your seat and sprinting for! Sprint is updating their Credit Union Member Cash Rewards offer. Starting Friday, September 6, 2019 stack lines 3, 4 and 5 for free!

The new Sprint offer will be updated to reflect the following changes:

  • Credit union members earn $100 in cash rewards for each new line activated (up to 2 lines)
  • Credit union members receive a $100 annual loyalty reward every year
  • 25% off select accessories purchased in Sprint stores


  • Lines 3, 4 and 5 are FREE
  • Save $800 your first year over Verizon
  • 100% Total Satisfaction Guarantee – try Sprint for 30 days or your money back

Here’s how to sign up for Sprint Credit Union Member Cash Rewards:

  1. Become a Sprint customer and mention you’re a Hawaii Federal Credit Union member.
  2. Register at
  3. Allow up to six to eight weeks to see cash rewards directly deposited into your HFCU account!