Archive for Learning Center – Page 7

Scam callers using HFCU caller-ID!

We have recently discovered that people, including non-members, have been receiving missed calls from our Hawaii FCU phone number with no voicemail being left. To ensure the safety of your personal information, please do not give out any sensitive information as these phone calls may be scam callers using the Hawaii FCU’s number as its caller-ID. Should our credit union need to contact a person, it is in our standard practice to leave a voicemail if we are unable to reach you. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

FORBES ranked Hawaii FCU in the top 5 credit unions in the state!

With more than 5,000 credit unions and 117 million members across the U.S., Forbes ranked Hawaii Federal Credit Union top five for Best-In-State Credit Unions for 2019. The financial institutions were scored based on overall recommendations and satisfaction, as well as five sub-dimensions (trust, terms and conditions, branch services, digital services and financial advice).

Here at Hawaii FCU, we are committed to supporting our members through all their financial needs and stages in life. With a little over 30 employees, each working to reach the same goal, we continue to strive for excellent member service by providing financial advice, guidance, and education.

Thank YOU for trusting us to be your credit union!