A natural disaster has ravaged the island of Maui, leaving thousands of families homeless, hungry, and despondent. The situation is critical, and the people of Maui urgently require our assistance. We are collaborating with these two organizations to handle their immediate needs.
Please join us in expressing sympathy and solidarity with our fellow humans who are suffering so greatly. Your gift can make a difference in their lives and assist them in recovering and rebuilding.
Maui Strong Fund

Tap to donate to the Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund, which will provide financial resources to help the people affected with their immediate and long-term rehabilitation needs. Every donation counts and will go directly to the relief efforts in Maui.
Hawaii Foodbank

Tap to donate to Hawaii Foodbank. Monetary donations can be used more promptly to help provide support and food assistance. All donations will go directly to the Maui Foodbank. We are also accepting donations at the credit union.